Hi friends! As many of you know, I’ve spent the last three weeks (maybe more?!) cleaning up my work and craft area. I went beyond a quick tidy-up and moved all the furniture, washed walls, steam mopped the floor, and emptied every single shelf and drawer. Here are a few before photos of my “not so bad, I thought” craft room:
Perhaps you can relate?? Let’s face it, crafting of any description is generally a messy endeavour! And with all the Christmas and end of year preparations and events, things just got a little out of control. Maybe more than a little. All the drawers and cupboards were stuffed full; many unable to closer fully.
Here are a few photos during the cleaning up process. I had lots of help. Not from my two-legged family members, though:
As mentioned above, everything was emptied and scrubbed. I pulled out all the unfinished projects, including scrapbook pages, leftover card kits, and many sewing projects and decided they were not going back into storage. My craft room is now a work room, not a storage room. Those projects are going to get finished or passed on to a loving home!
I did not buy anything more for my room; in fact, I gave away quite a few pieces. I am in total envy of those who have the space and funds to have the beautiful custom-designed rooms, but that is not me at this point in my life. So I just want to encourage everyone out there to use what you can afford; you can create a space that is functional for you in many ways.
And here is the end result:
Well, I had no idea my room was this big. LOL
Desk is washed and clear. If you come to my house, don’t let me pile things on top of my desk! It should be a work area.
Very occasionally, I get to sew. This cupboard was absolutely rammed with fabric. I gave a lot away and used a lot to make pillowcases for children in the Philippines.
This laundry area is in my room and can be closed off by the curtain. I want to keep it a working laundry area that I can actually stand in rather than a storage space for boxes and who knows what else.
Custard is wondering where all her beds (piles of things) are . .
I considered buying stools for the table, but decided I’d just use the ones in the kitchen for when I have classes here. It’s just less stuff for me to work around when I’m in here on a daily basis.
If you look at the “before” photo, this corner was jam packed with things and piles. There is nothing at all there now, and it feels great.
Even inside the cupboard is tidy.
The 12×12 papers and the ribbons also got a makeover.
These shallow drawers have been so handy over the years for storing ink pads and embellishments. They are sort of on their last legs after like 18 years, but I’ll give them a workout for a few more years yet.
Stamps are stored in basic wooden cubes, and my husband just made me a simple wooden block for the ones in the back so I can see them better.
I was actually quite proud of myself for this: I was at the tail end of putting things away and had white and vanilla card bases and inners, but they were too large for these drawers. I had all the drawers out and decided to just leave some of them out to create the perfect little space for these.
And I love the Stampin’ Up! storage for the Stampin’ Blends! Perfect way to store them sideways and where I can find the right colour and pair easily. All the Stampin’ Up! storage is great; I just personally own too many ink pads (4 of each colour) and don’t have enough flat surfaces to use them for those particular items.
And those little drawers that I took out of the storage container above? I put them in a drawer and used them to organize my blocks! These drawers are literally an old dresser from my step-son. They aren’t the most beautiful drawers, but I have it already and it works for now.
And last, I have this great expandable table that is extra tall, so it’s perfect for a movable die cutting and embossing station.
I hope you’ve enjoyed my little tour and you are inspired to clean up a drawer or two! Nothing like a fresh space to clear the head and renew the mojo for creating.
AND – all those boxes of things to sell? Join me 18 January for my Craft Room Cleanout Sale! Drop in between 10-4pm for a bargain! Email me for my address and to book in.
Thanks for stopping by,
Just amazing Jacqui you have done an awesome job and it looks so spacious and clean(ready to start again).
I too have had to clean up. Room doubles as a sewing room and single visitors bedroom. Had people over the New year so had to have a big tidy up. Now there is space to get into the bed as well as nothing on top. Won’t last long though see how long it takes to be a mess again.