This is just a few cute & fast little card that I made for my Uncle Bob. He was such a dear man, a real big teddy bear. I made and sent him this card when it was discovered he had cancer and was in the hospital. (I just took a photo of it before I sent it). Unfortunately, he passed away before the card even arrived.
It did bring some comfort to his wife, my Aunt Jacque, in those first few days. It brought home to me that this hobby of ours is more than just "having a play" – we have the opportunity to bring real joy to others.
Whether it's a random I Love You, an otherwise forgotten birthday, or preserving simple memories on a page, I challenge all of us to find a way, big or small, to touch someone else this week. Let's not just save the I Love You's for Christmas, Valentine's and Birthdays – let's make it a personal challenge to share our love for others every month, every week and every day. We never know what kind of impact we might have on someone who just needs to know that someone cares for them.
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