Wow – this was such a fun Farewell Activity and Dinner – my second favourite so far.
We were put into teams of four and each team given a buggy to drive. (Most transport in Hamilton Island is by these golf cart type buggies). And then we were given a list of questions and had an Amazing Race Scavenger Hunt around the island to find all the answers. At some of the stops Stampin Up staff members were there waiting with little prizes – free ink pads, packs of papers, rhinestones, stamps . . . all the things close to a girl's heart.
You can't beat the scenery!
We all raced back to the hotel and then went down to the Yacht Club restaurant for dinner, which was just absolutely amazing. They had candles set up all along the walkway, beautiful appetizers, and a tremendous sunset to top it all off.
We walked into the restaurant and the tables were set up beautifully. The staff at Stampin' Up! just do not miss anything! We each had our name at our place written on a shell (to continue the theme for the event), a hand carved wooden Fijian mask, and a little card to explain the significance of the mask in the Fijian culture.
I was fortunate to sit at a table with Shelli and Sterling Gardner and also with Clare Daly (the Australian Demonstrator of the Year) and her guest. It was lovely to spend some time chatting with all four of them (and Madeleine too, of course). Shelli is someone that I know that I would be good friends with even if we had met under different circumstances ~ she's a lovely person inside and out and I am proud to be associated with her.
We came home after dinner and found this FABulous bag on our bed! Love it love it love it!!
Fiji here I come! I wouldn't miss it for anything!
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