Today was an early start – and amazingly I slept in past my alarm and missed my morning walk. I must have been much more tired than I realized!
The group activity today was going out to the Great Barrier Reef and snorkeling. I love snorkeling! I've only been once before in my life and Madeleine had never been. The ride there in a ferry ship was treacherous . . . so many of us ended up with serious motion sickness. But once there, most of us calmed our tummies down and really enjoyed the day.
We got dressed up like teletubbies and jumped in. Brrr!! But it was cool. And Hey – I have to say that snorkeling beats walking on a treadmill hand over fist.
Madeleine took heaps of photos in the water with the waterproof camera SU gave us last night, but they are not digital, so can't post them here just yet.
Early bed tonight. Make and Takes and swaps tomorrow.
Delys Cram says
Ive seen the teletubbies Pics from other blogs hilarious is that?
Id be no good on that boat Im sure..
Enjoy the rest of your second day Jacque!
Bron says
What a fabulous day! Sorry about the seasickness – occupational hazard. The snorkelling would have made up for it, though – the GBR is gorgeous!