Day One of Convention was really fun – as always. Wow, we are so blessed as demonstrators to be part of such a wonderful, warm, ethical, company. It’s really satisfying to not only make an income to support myself and my three daughters, but to also know that I am part of something greater and good.
Thursday night was a special reception evening for those demonstrators in Australia/New Zealand Manger and Above. Shelli gave us an inspiring message first about the influence we have on those around us. Then we were treated to some desserts and hot chocolate – the hot choccie being served in these gorgeous mugs! Mugs might not be quite the right word . . . . fish bowls? They are fabulous!! Those who hang out with me know that I drink herbal tea and miso soup by the bucket, so this is just perfect.
And of course it’s got the lovely little stamp Share a Cup in Rich Razzleberry on it with the stamp inside the cup! We got to see some really neat ideas with that stamp yesterday, so really pleased I have it now.
And for those who know my dear friend Tui – she’s joined us here at convention from Perth! Still not a demonstrator, but still a honourary member of my team forever and always, it’s been a thrill to catch up with her again. Okay, she never answers emails, so if you want to send her a message, you’ll need to connect with her on facebook. LOL
My presentations yesterday went well so I’m all geared up for another one this morning. I enjoy presenting, to be honest.
Another full day of classes and creative inspiration ahead! I am SO SO SO looking forward to coming home and sharing with you all the fabulous things we are learning. Come to a class or book a FREE demonstration workshop to have some hands-on. No sneaky peaks for now!
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