This is the perfect opportunity to purchase products that coordinate with your favourite products from the January–June 2020 Mini Catalogue and Sale-A-Bration. Only available for a limited time or while supplies last!

In addition, SaleABration is still on! Receive a free gift with your order of $110, and receive additional gifts with every $110 spent!
Is your wishlist longer than your grocery list? Consider joining my team, get a discount on your purchases, and have the opportunity to make some shopping money! Read more about it HERE! Join during SaleABration (Jan-March), and receive a mini cutter, a paper sampler, and an extra stamp set of your choice in your kit as well!

And last, register now for the upcoming Extravaganzas! We really do love having you there; it’s a wonderful energy when we all can gather to share our love of creating!

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