Over the summer, we went on a rampage getting the house organized. It was kind of necessary as we combined two full houses into one. One of the projects Rob requested was one of these Grocery Bag Dispensers, which actually did free up a lot of space under the sink.
I really didnt' have any leftover bits from the bags I made my team for Christmas, so these are leftover from LAST year's project! Made from the Spice Cake and last year's Christmas fabric (I forgot the name), I liked the combo of the dark green, the crumb cake, and the Pool Party.
The bags go in the top and out the bottom, keeping them tidy and hung up off the floor as well.
And no, I don't really have this on my china hutch.
I found the free tutorial online here, compliments of Moda. These were fun to make with just leftover bits and pieces, so a very cost effective project too. Hmmm, these might turn up again around December.
Our bundles of three generous fat quarters are $19.95 and found in the seasonal catalogue page 170-171. Email to place your order!
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