Yesterday, our last day in Noosa Heads, was full on busy! This day was my compromise with Jared; I much prefer to lounge around, but he loves to go and see and do.
We joined a group of 15 others and rented a four wheel drive "bus" that took us to Fraser Island, an Island made completely of sand dunes. The driver was entertaining and interesting, which was a pleasant surprise. The island itself was fascinating; we all were half expecting a T-Rex to turn up at any moment. I enjoyed hearing what he had to tell us, but mostly I enjoyed the company of the others on the bus. Okay, I admit I got a little nauseated with the bus rocking and weaving through all the sand, but overall it was a fun trip.
We got to stop in a few places, one being at this fresh water lake with an amazing beach! It reminded me of Rarotonga and the incredible beaches there. Except that the water was cold. All the boys got in and all the girls sat on the beach and watched them not be "shown up" by anyone else. Boys are so funny! When one got in, the others were not about to stand around and say it was "too cold" . .
Another stop was to take a photo with this enormous tree! I have never been to the Redwoods – this was definately the largest tree I have personally ever seen.
We got back to the hotel with just 50 mintues to clean the sand out of all the nooks and crannies before our big surprise farewell dinner. Transformed, we were taken by bus to . . somewhere . . . and were met with these beautiful cars!!
Wow!!! What a total treat! And how thoughtful of Janiel, our event organiser, to throw in such a feature that would be so fun to many of our male guests.
Jared and I were escorted with Dave Baugh and his wife, Jennifer, in a 1946 Bentley to our farewell dinner location – the Plantation restaurant. The backseat of that car was like sitting in a lounge chair. The restaurant was also incredible! I have never been so spoiled in my life. Okay, this place was like a museum of the 1940's – an old plantation house that was just beautiful. We enjoyed canapes and drinks while we explored the house AND got to look through five telescopes at the stars and planets. Janiel had organised an astronomer to be there to explain what we were viewing. Just amazing. That could have been a night unto itself! Janiel had also arranged for white pashimas at each lady's seat – to wrap around if the evening got chilly. The amount of thought put into this event was overwhelming!
The dinner was great, of course with all kinds of amazing foods that we never make at home for ourselves. I loved spending time chatting with so many of the Australian demonstrators, too – just getting to know the real people behind the names and reputations is really special. I won't start naming people because I'll inevitably leave someone out, but let me just say that there are some really genuine, kind, talented, inspiring women amongst us.
The night ended with two gifts left in our rooms – the first a box of cookies and milk which I didn't photograph because they were gone too quickly. The second was this beautiful Chocolate brown Stampin' Up! bag. Oh my goodness, we are so spoiled!
Now I'm on my way home, back to see my kiddies and to see many of you this week. Thank you again for a fantastic week – love and hugs to you all,
It was fabulous to spend some time with you in Noosa Jacqui. I really enjoyed our chats and the time we spent together. See you at convention and I promise to put the personal training pep talk into action! Stay happy, healthy and inspired!
You as well, Claire! Okay, I will hold you to that! :-)!!
Jacquelyn Pedersen
New Zealand Stampin Up Demonstrator of the Year 2009
Senior Manager
09 482 3365 or 021 128 9923
Spring Mini Catalogue
Out Now!
Products available only until Nov 30th
Thank you Claire for checking out my SIP Challenge card and the congrats.